Tuesday 12 June 2007

Flowers From the Garden: The Bleeding Heart

One of the prettiest flowers in my garden....the "Bleeding Heart" so aptly named for its shape, just have a look.
The Bleeding Heart in Mid bloom and in full bloom.

Some Information on this beautiful Valentine flower, Courtesy: Canadian Gardening Online.

They may be common but bleeding hearts (Dicentra spp.) add elegance and beauty to any garden.

Also known as lady’s locket and lady in a boat, this quick-growing, clump-forming, classic perennial has been gracing gardens for more than a century, and is well loved for its early blooms and ability to thrive under myriad conditions.
Notorious self-seeders, bleeding hearts will often create many new plants. Divide in spring or fall, but be sure to treat brittle roots with care. Cuttings can be taken from large plants after flowering or from young shoots once they’ve started to grow in spring.
Dicentra (from the Greek words dis, meaning “two”, and kentros, meaning “spurs”, referring to the flower’s unusual shape) are spring blooming, but some flower longer than others. Generally, the cooler the location, the longer the blooms will last. Most species come from the forest floors of deep woods and moist canyons and are thus well acclimatized to shade gardens.
Of the more than 150 species of Dicentra, the following is most often grown in Canada and are hardy to Zone 3:

Common bleeding heart (D. spectabilis) Old-fashioned bleeding heart, a.k.a. valentine flower, is the most familiar to many gardeners and is definitely worthy of notice, which is in fact what spectabilis means. Native to northern China, Korea and Japan, it was introduced to English gardens in 1857, where it still thrives. Growing from 60 to 90 centimetres tall, it features nodding, rose-pink, heart-shaped flowers with protruding white inner petals. The entire plant goes dormant in summer.

Source: http://www.canadiangardening.com/plants/bleeding_hearts.shtml


  1. When we moved to this house 10yrs ago,that's the first plant I ordered and planted but unfortunately,they never came up.Looks gorgeous.Enjoy:)

  2. Hi Trupti,

    Bleeding heart really apt name for the flowers...looks cute and gorgeous..

  3. I have a post card of these flowers. Very nice Trupti to watch its beauty. Viji

  4. So beautiful. I am going to get these if I can, let me see. Thanks Trupti

  5. Purty flowers! I wish I could grow plants without them dying...

  6. wow
    i wish i was there to enjoy them
    and hey in full bloom i kinda saw them as turtles :))

  7. Majestic and Beautiful !! I wish I had 'em too !!

    Hey, I have tagged you...dont know if you have already taken it up....if yes, forget it, else take it up if you want to and have time too :)


  8. Lovely flowers. I liked the bright pink color.

  9. B E A U T I F U L!
    maney diwali na kandil yaad avey che :) to get to enjoy nature is the best gift, me thinks :)

  10. lovely, lovely flowers Trupti! They look absolutely gorgeous!

  11. What a pretty flower, never seen anything like this :)
    Like Richa said diwali na kandil yaad avey che :)The colour is so pretty pink. Thanks for sharing. Post more photos.

  12. soo beautiful, trupti...lovely flowers :-)

  13. Gorgeous!!! and what an apt name!!

  14. Bleeding heart... I carefully opened yr blog expecting a pathos poem.. It was flowers :D.. Look how pretty they are!

  15. I wonder who would have given that name to these flowers. looks so pretty.

  16. I love bleeding hearts! They are so beautiful and so delicate!

  17. Hi Trupthi,
    They are very beautiful flowers seeing it for the first time...Thanks for sharing..

  18. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the info. I have never seen or heard of these before. Many thanks.

  19. simply beautiful ! Love the colour !!!

  20. i have these in my garden too...i rally love them, they are so sweet, so old-fashioned!

  21. Hahahaha....... thats so true Richa...... really looks like diwali kandil. :)

    Very beautiful!! :) Though I have seen it before ;)

  22. hi trupthi,
    Lovely flowers.They look so great.Love the color too

  23. Hi Trupi, such beautiful and unique flowers. I had to look at it again closely because I couldn't believe they were real. I have never, ever seen anything like it. Nature is amazing!


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