Here's the recipe and also my contribution to Maheshwari's AFAM event.
1 cup Semolina, 2 cups Milk,
Sugar to your taste, usually half a cup, 1 large ripe banana- chopped,toasted almonds, pistachios, Cardamom powder, Sultana Raisins and Ghee.
In a pan, heat ghee ( to your liking), add cardamom powder and the semolina. Roast till the semolina is a little brown. Add the milk and stir. Add the bananas, raisins, sugar and the toasted almonds and pistachios. Remove from heat and serve.
Try this sheera with bananas next time....it really brings a new twist to the usual and tastes great.
Nice picture! Trupti,Sheera with Banana tastes great! I keep making this often back home.Happy cooking!
Great entry for AFAM! Trupti , your blog looks great with the new template layout!
Hey, nice recipe Trupti....I never thought banana could be added with sooji to make a sweet dish. Its a good one :) I also read about the "Little Chef in the Kitchen Event" and trust me, I really liked it. I will definitely put my hubby to work since we don't have kids.
Another thing, I have tagged you for 3 things MEME. Take it up if you like.
Thanks, Nidhi.
The sooji looks divine
And nice idea to add bananas to sooji, will do that next
Looks amazing! It is very common to add ripe bananas to sheera at my place. In fact, I can't think of when I made sheera last without bananas! The taste that ripe bananas impart to this dish sure gets you hooked! We also make this as an offering to God :)
Addition of banana to the usual sheera is a nice twist buddy.
OH YUM!! It's that good.Excellent entry for AFAM!Delicious T!
Trupti the pic is beautiful and it looks delicious too...i remember back home use to make them as prasad for Satyanarayan pooja's.
Hi Trupti,
U made me nostalgic...This is called "Sapata" in Kannada and Konkani, a main prasadam for Sri Satya NarayaNa puja in Mangalore.
Wonderful presentation!
I love this one!!! My Sis in law makes it every Poonam and we eat the prasad everytime!!!!! I love the taste of Banana in this!!!!
BTW, I am ready with the recipe for your event :) Will post it soon, probably after the round up :)
Great prasad ben, adding banana is a good twist...Jyostna made some jaggery sheera yesterday in fact...~smile~...take care ben...
We also in Maharashtra, when make prasad for Shri Satya nanarayan Mahapuja we do add banana to Sheera, but in small quantity and you are right about the bananas giving a whole new taste
Nice entry for AFAM event...It looks awesome .Do let me try once ...
The sheera looks delicious Trupti. I've tagged you for a Meme, hope you'll play.
Banana sooji looks absolutely delicious! My kids like them pretty green -- I will have to hide a couple of bananas to try this :)
A Nice twist Trupti. Viji
Wow !! a sweet idea. I made sooji halwa today, wish I had read your post earlier, would have tried your version. Sometime later...
Hi Trupti,
Nice twist with Sheera. :) , will try it some time this way. also a good entry for AFAM . I tought a lot to participate in that but couldnt get something nice to make with banana. :( . well, still my mind is running in back for searching somthing to make with banana:)) .
nice presentation too .
thanks for sharing
hi trupti
nice dish..looking yummy..
Its beautiful..Impressive work.Keep it up.....
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